Me Stuff

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I am a writer currently living, working, and writing in Atlanta, GA. I moonlight as a retail merchandiser, a job I love particulary because of the creative aspect of it. I studied journalism at Los Angeles City College before deciding to change my major.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Finding Your Niche

I have to be constantly doing something creative; reading, writing, photography, even cooking. I find that I get anxious if my brain is not being stimulated. I don't own a television, just a portable DVD player on which I watch old movies, anything even remotely Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogerish.
I could not imagine my life with the writing aspect removed. If I wasn't a writer, I simply would not exist. You brush your teeth every morning. I write. You listen to music on your IPOD. I write.
Its as natural to me as eating and sleeping. I can write on autopilot.
When you are this passionate about something, anything, then you know you have found your niche.

Niche- A place, employment or activity for which a person is best suited ( Merriam Webster Dictionary)

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